Monday, 24 May 2010

Korean Capers

Julie and her Korean friend, retired English teacher Shin, stayed here last night and have gone further south today to spend a couple of nights in a historic cottage, which is let out by the National Parks and Wildlife Service. The four or  five cottages in the group were once part of a gypsum  mining operation, circa 1900-1930, in what is now the Innes National Park, a relatively remote tourist destination, right at the very foot - in fact the toe - of our Yorke Peninsula. Shin is much travelled and just recently was back-packing through South America. She has been in Australia for three days. And, so far, has met only weird people, from which to form impressions of Oz. She says she does not mind.

Yesterday at dawn there was the vivid red sky which folk wisdom says is a weather warning ("red sky in the morning, a shepherd's warning") and sure enough by mid-morning we had heavy rain - after weeks of dry conditions - and tonight a return to wild wet with thunder and lightning. I am cosy here with my log fire.

Meanwhile I try to coax the computer to burn another DVD featuring the 45 minutes of digital video which I made last week using the trusty little JVC camcorder. The subject? - the mock wedding which the previous blog post spoke of. The participants mostly appear to want copies, I can only imagine from some deep-seated masochistic need. Some of it is slightly funny. I mean, a lot of it seemed funny AT THE TIME.

What is less obvious is why  any of it would still appear amusing when re-visited in the cold light of  day. But that's OK. I am treating myself to a grumpy old person evening. I have had a hot bath. I am going to bed now.

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