Wednesday, 24 November 2010

A 20th Anniversary. A Misty View.

A 20th anniversary of what? - you may ask. I'll be at a dinner at Ayers House, on Adelaide's North Terrace, to celebrate twenty years of the Society of Editors in this state. Speaker at the dinner will be my one time colleague Tom Burton, a man of scholarship and great good humour, well known for many things including his book Words Words Words. Who better to talk to a bunch of editorially inclined characters?

Next up, here's a curious view of a Gulf St Vincent scene, which I photographed between Edithburgh and Coobowie. A small headland where sea and sky shaded seamlessly, left the horizon ... nowhere.

1 comment:

  1. Your beautiful picture reminds me of when, as a 7-year-old, I often rode my bike along this stretch of coast. The road was gravel then. I thought it was quite an achievement to get as far as Coobowie, all of 5 km from home. Sadly, today's 7-year-olds are not allowed such adventures.
