Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Outnumbered: the Lebanon Factor; Tricky theology

If you have not caught up with the UK comedy series Outnumbered (in SA, 9pm Wednesday nights) you could try out your funny bone reflexes. It is in its third series. Three kids, two parents ... outnumbered. Right? Very edgy, here's a 40 second sample on YouTube featuring the youngest, 7-year old "Karen" played with aplomb by a future Oscar winner. This is from an episode yet to hit Australian screens.

You might become addicted. Try this theological debate with Karen, brother Ben, and the embattled vicar.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the delightful excerpts from "Outnumbered", which we have been enjoying since its inception.

    Daniel Roche, the actor who plays Ben, is currently starring in a remake of the "Just William" stories. Rather than the 1920s of the books, it's set in the 1950s - still long enough ago for the boys to enjoy some real adventuring and mischief, free from risk-averse "helicopter" parents. I'm not sure if it will show in Australia.
