Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Runes, Prunes and Mulberries

The stewed mulberries are doing well --- halfway through the week and they are holding out. I remembered to buy prunes with the shopping this morning, after a famous disaster of finding dates when I reached in the pantry cupboard expecting prunes, or was it vice versa? It's all a bit hazy.

Truth to tell I have been distracted by some online edit jobs arriving at weird times. Several from Abu Dhabi the other day. Mind you, these mini-assignments tend to reach me via Denmark. Don't ask. Last week a couple were from Hawaii, but they were from a Dutchman, and I had supposed him to be in Canada. The interesting thing is that it seems not to matter.

Now, this afternoon I have just uploaded my latest, eighth, book, produced and published through, and hopefully to be on sale at in due course - a process which will take at least a month, since I need to receive a proof copy by snail mail from the States and only then can approve it for release, if I do. (If not, more delay etc). But it is speed itself compared with the old days of copy submission and letter-press printing technology. Yes, I myself do go back that far. In fact, somewhere, I have if I could find them, the old quill pens and monastic robes.

At Amazon, you can find my previous title (January 2011) Quiz Questions, by Will Smyth, and who knows, you may care to buy it if you fancy running a quiz/trivia fundraiser event. Or just want to kick back and be amused by some 50 pages of Q&A. I hate it when you have to look up cryptic answers at the back of books. These ones are right opposite; questions on the left-side page, their answers on the right. So you can cheat if you like. Check it out

The new book, that is, as of one hour ago, is called Runes and Rune Reading: An Introduction to the Runic Symbols of Northern Europe. Like I said, it will be weeks before it can be seen or ordered at Amazon, and because it has colour illustrations and because they charge heaps to ship overseas, I can't afford to buy it but perhaps you and your rich rellies can, at US$19.95.

Back in early January, Jenny Oldland of the YP Country Times (Thank you, Jenny) did a nice piece about the first six books that were available online, successively, between August and December 2010. It has been a little surprising. A tad experimental on my part - the more so since all eight titles have been in different areas. Only two, one on health food and one the pre-Christmas recipe book (Festive Favorites), could be said to be on related themes. Might list the titles here later, for the sake of completeness. I will wait until number 8 is approved.
P.S. Just had an  email to say the proof copy of Runes and Rune Reading has been sent on its way. Will it reach the Great South Land safely? And when?  Record to date is 12 days, longest 20.

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