Monday, 26 April 2010

ANZAC Day at Bublacowie Military Museum

Yesterday (S.A. time) was ANZAC Day commemorating the sadly famous Gallipoli campaign of 1916 during WWI. Chris Soar established the Bublacowie Military Museum and Memorial Gardens when he came to live on the Peninsula seventeen years ago. He told the good turnout - including local federal member Steve Griffiths -  that he passionately hopes the Museum will continue "after I'm gone". I think that everyone who visits is impressed by the scope of the collection and the way Chris and his family - plus volunteers - have built up the place in such a significant way, starting with the deserted buildings of the school (1912 to 1943).

Now it is both a credit to Chris's vision and non-stop work and a tourist destination. But its true role is to honour service men and women. For eleven years the Museum and Memorial Gardens has hosted an Anzac Day gathering, which includes a march-in and service and wreath-laying, and each year has been attended by an RAAF contingent from the Edinburgh air base. Many participants also attended a dawn service elsewhere.

In May the Museum will officially open its library which we were able to preview.

I went along with a small  group including John Lata after we met up at Jacqui Dodd's home outside Yorketown. Jacqui was with her daughter Lyndal and her 2-year old Justice who was a prominent and confident presence during music by Peter Cook and performances by the local line dancers, after a well-catered lunch.

Ex-WWII naval man Don Beinke was there - but I know him as our group's tenor! - and Chris Soar thanked him for the donation of items to the Museum. Don's in the centre of the pic below.

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Mystery pic: is Will propping up the sign, or vice versa?

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Ballywire Farm

On Sunday I went with house-guest Ray for a walk on the cliff path at Port Moorowie. Sunny and autumn warm. Then we ventured to Ballywire Farm which I'd driven past several times but never patronised: they do meals, holiday accommodation and a "pet and feed the animals" type of children's zoo with the usual farm animals. We had fresh scones and cream by way of a late morning tea rather than attempting an early lunch. Nice set-up. I mean to go back soon. We spoke with Jo (Joanne) who is the daughter of Chris and Pete the owners. Jo and her husband David own the adjoining land ("over there where you can see the big trees"). They are Yorketown people and know Lesley and Graham May.

Speaking of the Mays, Bob May, Graham's cousin - or second cuz? - greeted me outside Foodland last week where he was selling raffle tickets. First he said, "You don't remember me, do you?", to which I made the appropriate reply, "You're Bob May". Then he remarked that Denis had brought him up to date and he knew all about the singing group and my role. Such is fame. Bob was Prez of the Lions Club when I came to live in the town seven years ago, and he tried hard for three months with no success to recruit me.

Yesterday, Monday, was an honorary Tuesday. We had a singing practice then because the hall is in use today for a funeral service. I did not stay for the usual lunch because Ray and I had arranged to meet and eat before he left for the 4-hour trip home. He'd spent the morning getting a replacement fan belt fixed for the EB Falcon (done by Ian at Yorketown Motors whom I rang at 8.15am) and then a prospective spot of fishing at the Edithburgh jetty. Not sure if he actually put a line in or just observed: he said that people were doing O.K.

At around five o'clock Ray messaged that he had got home without incident, despite a worry about a "pinhole gasket leak" in the 1992 vehicle.

Mid-afternoon to some astonishment I'd a call from Kerry on the NSW coast. They have interest shown in the house but still no sale. We spoke for about twenty minutes. He and Cheryl belong to a Spiritualist Church and think they may connect with one at Northfield once they are back in Adelaide. Kerry says he acquired a 2500cc 3 cylinder Triumph motorbike about four months ago.

Jane B. also rang and will call in tomorrow morning. I am thinking we might go to Ballywire Farm tearoom, now that I have "discovered" it!

Saturday, 17 April 2010

Antonio and Raymond

Wow, blast from the past. Mobile phone rang. But it was in the bedroom under yesterday's sox. Later I had to ring the number myself in order to find the pesky thing. Fortunately the caller then rang my house phone number and who should it be but Tony from whom I'd not heard in ... three years?  Four?  So OK, we'll meet up when I'm in town later in the year. He has had a run of poor health, but is coping with the help of Domiciliary Care.

And Ray ten minutes ago texted (I have not got used to that word) that he is on his way and expects to be here later this arvo. He was a welcome helper with renovations of this old house after I moved in, more than seven years ago. It will be good to see him, one of nature's gentlemen.

A week since the first post to this new blog.

The four days in Adelaide were pleasant with four movies seen, all at the Nova or Palace complex, and one Bakehouse Theatre (amateur group) visit. I suppose the more important thing was that the final two minor eye operations at the Wakefield Clinic went well! The "gap" payment was $100 for each of the four procedures, and I paid cash each time, so the dreaded credit card didn't take a hiding.

I am actually up to date on that score: and I came home to an improved bank balance with payments received from a Belgian publishing company for recent editorial services. The nose is above water. Compared to January of 2009, the ship is afloat, whereas back then captain and crew were about to take to the lifeboats.

Sunday, 11 April 2010

Kernewek Lowender Cornish Festival

OK, so as a rule I am not much into brass bands or marching bands with brass-plus. Now bagpipe bands ... THERE'S another thing. I am only a consumer, not an instrumentalist, more's the pity. But singing I enjoy, and if you read this blog you will be regaled with tales of our little group of singing oldsters. The tenor is just coming up to 86. Hi Don.

Up top you see the Kadina Band marching behind the town crier at the most recent Kernewek Lowender Cornish Festival. It is a curious pic, because the town crier, leading the parade, has just turned to his right in order to enter the main town reserve where the day's events were about to start. We take it on trust that the band is going to follow him! (Oh, well. Let me put you out of suspense. They did. I was there.)

The Festival is held in odd-numbered years. Next one coming up in 2011 ... and it was a close-run thing that this historic event would continue, since things were financially hard-pressed in 2007 and 2009.

Here are another couple of shots from that parade: the local schools got into the spirit with 19th century costumes.
... and there was Irish dancing too. I think it was Irish dancing. Cornish style, perhaps. Anyway, everybody enjoyed the proceedings which were spread over the whole week.
'Nuff for now. That was my warble for this Sunday morning. Tomorrow early I have to leave for Adelaide, a three hour drive, and several days in the city with a mix of medical appointments, a theatre visit, maybe a movie, and some shopping. I REALLY need a new pair of trousers for the winter. I'm getting tubby for older pairs 'way at the back of the wardrobe, and the only two wearable pairs of pants will soon have worn through at the seat. Then we're in trouble.

See some earlier weblog entries