Thursday, 9 September 2010

Some sun, more water, mugshots, misspellings, and manuscripts

Nice to see the sun out. There have been recurring very wet days and nights. Major flooding over the state border there in Victoria.
Of course, the event of the month so far was across the Tasman in our neighbour New Zealand, where Christchurch main city of South Island had an earthquake unprecedented at 7.1 on the Richter scale. Miraculously there was no loss of life but one of the injured was in intensive care.
Our local paper this week brightened its pages with the pic in glowing black and white depicting our 14-strong choral group, with no more than the compulsory number of mis-spellings of names. They used Gwenda's well-written submitted report in lieu of sending a team of several dozen journos and camerapersons. I thought I noticed their absence at last week's concert.
I discovered, or rather was pointed to, the website CreateSpace dot com (it's owned by Amazon dot com) and tonight am ready to submit a third manuscript (read, "upload interior") for a short book. CreateSpace, despite the puzzling name, is a self-publishing site not only for books but also for audio CDs and video DVDs or digital downloads of recorded material which their authors have uploaded. At first it seems a complex process even though much of the technical work has been cleverly streamlined for the user. I think I have started to get the hang of it. The big convenience is that books, once accepted (from the author), are advertised and sold through Amazon and, when a purchase is made, printed on-demand and shipped direct to the buyer.

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