Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer. Hey, that's a good line!

This spell of perfect weather locally is, as they say nowadays, awesome. I am suitably awed, and relieved. Most of my immediate bunch of acquaintances say they dislike or even dread the prospect of the fierce heat this region expects in the South Australian high-summer from December to March, at times 40C plus. There is at least one exception, a lady country-born and bred who insists she loves the heat. Clearly she has asbestos-walled veins and mercury for blood.

But I'd not now enjoy the serious snow-and-ice cold again from my youthful jaunts and haunts, with winters experienced in Canada, northern China, northern Sweden, Russia and Scotland (our Glasgow University Mountaineering Club insisted on "bringing in the New Year" on various mountains, why I've no idea). Please don't ask me how or why I was in those parts of the planet, because I can't now remember that either. There must  have been some reason. Life is certainly a mystery.

Pop quiz. What's the blog post heading? Well done! You knew it. Shakespeare's Richard the Third.  Well, actually HE didn't say "Hey, that's a good line." I said that bit.

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