Tuesday 22 June 2010

Back to Mount Hardwicke

Mount Hardwicke is the offical name for the rise on which the Warooka Uniting Church stands, in whose adjacent hall our singers rehearse every Tuesday. Nobody actually calls the location Mount Hardwicke - and many wouldn't even know. But it does have a pleasant view to Hardwicke Bay, three kilometres distant.

The group of us sent good wishes to the absent Denis, now in hospital in Adelaide, still awaiting key test results. He did suffer a stroke, but is in remarkably good spirits and holding his own. Isobel has just had a birthday but not the worry-free one she deserves. And she kindly played piano for us, in between journeys to the city to be with the patient. Denise their daughter not only prepared an afternoon tea but presented a top-notch poem which documented her observations of the group from these past weeks. She said only the nice things, applying extreme tact. Clever girl. Oh, we also got to admire the new computer. Gwenda asserts that HER new computer is scheduled to arrive the day after tomorrow, but I said I'll believe it when I see it.

In the soccer World Cup in South Africa, New Zealand the other day astounded by achieving a one-all draw with current champions Italy, hardly noted by Australian media. And those weird horns, which collectively sound like a stadium full of buzzing bees, are called, I think, vuvuzela.

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