Wednesday, 29 December 2010

No mention at all should be made of the cricket

The end of the year approaches. How has yours been?
Today the mail brought me a Medicare refund cheque for $34 and I took it to the bank right after I'd paid $32 nearby at the chemist's for an eye-drop prescription which is renewed once a month - hopefully to keep at bay ill effects of my glaucoma.
Then, wondering what to do with the net two dollars in hand I headed to Edithburgh for some sea air, and at a secondhand market nearly spent it all on an elderly biography of Ian Chappell whom I'd just been listening to as one of the Channel Nine commentators on the disastrous Test Match. But cricket is a bit on the nose. England won. Damn.
So, you are thinking that I finished two dollars ahead. But no! I bought instead for THREE dollars a copy of SF stories by Jack Dann, an author I do not know at all. The anthology is called Jubilee and was published in 2001. I will enjoy exploring its contents.
I reflected that the day's finances present a very fair model of life in general for 2010. You know - the old thing of two steps forward, three steps back. Or in this case dollars. What the heck. The house was still waiting for me when I got back from the sea breezes. Health is OK too, so nothing to complain about there.
The other day with fellow Terry Pratchett fan Gwenda I watched all of UKTV's 3 hour presentation of Going Postal. Love it. We'd both read the book. Did I mention this before? On Friday we plan to be in Stansbury for their "Seaside Market" Fair and general New Year's Eve celebration. There will be fireworks later, but since that will be long past my bedtime I expect the festive visit will be afternoon only.

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